Freaky sheep dream

06 November 2023

Last night I had a very odd dream. In said dream, me and my family were at some sort of farm where they were giving us a tour. We picked out a few animals and then we were lead to a room where we were on one side of a glass wall with the animals on the other side. The animals were separated by type. Cows in one area, chickens in another, there might've been goats somewhere, but the animal my family decided to observe was a singular sheep.

Basically the sheep was put through several stages of painful opperations. The first, second, and third stage all involved extremely stong vacuums embeded in the walls sucking every single bit of wool of of the poor sheep's body. By the third stage the wool had little bits of blood on it due to how hard the walls had sucked it out of this sheep's body. The fourth stage was the most horrifying. People in white protective suits entered the room on the same side of the glass as the now woolless sheep and they stuck hooks into the side of its mouth. The hooks pulled the mouth of the sheep wide open, much further than any mouth should stretch. Inside the mouth there were more mouths. More hooks came in to stretch those mouths as well. At this point the sheep barely looked like a sheep. Its skin was a dark grey color, and it appeared to be rubbery. It reminded me of the skin of a shark. At this point the men in the protective suits reached into the mouth of the sheep and found the flaps of yet another mouth hidden somewhere in its cheeks. Around this point I had realized that this was a dream and ended up waking up.

As terrifying as this was, I was not actually that scared. I mean I felt bad for the sheep, and it was screaming the entire time, but these people are scientists they probably knew what was best for it. This is a justification that I used in the dream as I was watching it. In reality I probably would critisize people for doing such a thing. As to why I had this dream, part of it came from the fact that I went on a tour of a cow farm many years ago, and I looked at the machines used to milk them. I didn't find that scary though, I feel it's more that my mind had a way of making it scary. I can't ignore the fact that right before bed I saw a tumblr post in which somebody had drawn some abstracted deer in a horrifying immitation of the style that AI programs draw with. The art was beautiful, but viewing it before bed had definitly done something to my brain. A third contributor to this dream is the way I associate sheep and sharks in my head. About two years ago a madman ranted to me about how people in this world need to be more like sharks and less like sheep. Although partway through the rant he started arguing that gorillas are actually better than sharks, me and my friends have joked the most about sharks and sheep because that was the easiest part of the speech to mock. That definitely had something to do with it. Whenever I think of sheep my mind goes to sharks.

I might start dream journaling more on this site. Then I won't need to explain my dream to many different people, I could just link the blog post. Once someone told me my blog looks like the start of an ARG. I took this comment as an insult to my writing style and my lackluster knowledge of css. Posting about my weird dreams definitely won't take me further from the ARG allegations, but I don't really care much.

Take me home please.