I love music so much

02 December 2023

While there are plenty of sad topics I could be talking about right now, I'm feeling kinda good this morning, so I think I'll write about something a bit cheerier (even if the resulting post is a bit more brief). Anyways I LOVE MUSIC, music is really cool. My playlist is 56 and a half hours long. On some days I'll just get on YouTube, listen to a song I haven't heard, and then add it to my playlist, I click on a reccomended song, I end up adding that as well. I just add so much of it, and it's nice because I'll have a whole lot of different things to shuffle through. If I've only heard a song like two or three times I'll enjoy hearing it come on, and if I've heard a song over fifty times I'll enjoy hearing it come on because I love it so much.

I used to have a shorter playlist, but then I end up getting tired of the songs on it (I have a tendancy to do that, while most other people I talk to are repeating their musics over and over and over again). Sometimes I'll make shorter playlists for specific moods or types of music, but then I'll get tired of those faster than I'll tire of my longer playlist. My Spotify wrapped is mostly comprised of things that I was real into a few years ago because I don't remove songs from my playlist real often.

This is the point in the post that I move past my initial point and start writing about something else,,, Christmas music. It's really cool to have music that you only really listen to during one part of the year. That really works for me as a listening method. It's just hard to do with other types of music. I listen to music that others consider "halloween music" regularly, and I'm not sure that Thanksgiving has music for it. Easter probably has music for it, but I'm not really that religious (although I quite enjoy the more religion based Christmas songs, maybe I'll enjoy Easter songs as well).

One thing I'll sometimes do is get real into a genre and then my playlist has a lot of that genre on it and then as I get into more stuff you can kinda see little "phases" forming. It's interesting to look at after awhile. Anyways I've got things to do this morning, events to get to. So, uh, see you later. Next post will probably be about my completely unwarrented hype for 2024.

Take me home please.