Slowly turning into somebody's grandmother

18 February 2024

So I posted about what all I did last month, so I think I'll do one for this month as well. So around a week ago I re-learned how to knit, and now I'm knitting a very long scarf. It isn't real long just yet, but I want it to be really long. I'll keep working at it until it is. It gives me a way to feel like I'm being productive while watching internet videos, so it's good for my mind. I've kinda just felt better since I started knitting. I definitely felt good on the 14th, not because I had a valentine, just because I felt good. I'm unsure whether that good feeling carried over to now, I felt weird and paranoid earlier today, but right now I'm doing fine. Typing makes my fingers feel good. Anyways I fear that I'll soon run out of yarn, but I think I'm halfway done with it, so I'll have awhile to think about what to do when I run out. I'll probably connect to a new ball of the stuff and keep going for longer.

I've been reading lately. I find enjoyment in it now. I used to get bored of it, but now I can just sit and read. It's nice. Currently I'm reading Orlando by Virginia Woolf. It is written very beautifully. I'm only in the second chapter, but the chapters are very long, so that's like a hundred pages in. I want to write a book, but I tried writing one page and haven't gotten back to it. I'm not that good at writing fiction, better at writing non fiction (like this website, or my journal). I think I'll stick to reading for now, and maybe one day I'll be better at writing. Another thing I'm not great at is website programming. I'm trying to make my website cooler looking, but I'm quite bad at it. YouTube tutorials seem to all be telling me different things, so I think I'll just look at examples and take notes about stuff that I like.

I've been growing my vinyl collection quite rapidly lately. I bought four records yesterday and one on Friday. I like listening to music while I knit. Another thing I bought on Friday was Tetris Worlds for the PlayStation 2. My grandma owns that game for her PC, so I've played it before and I know I enjoy it. It's a good game, I just feel like an old lady when I play it. Which honestly is a good thing. Old ladies are cool. I'll be one someday. I bought some old clothes when I was at the thrift store yesterday. When I wear them I look like a picture of a grandmother when she was younger. I feel good. I like this style.

Earlier today I was watching a YouTube video about lost music (while knitting of course) and I noticed that it'd be quite easy for me to send internet users on a wild goose chase. My uncle was in a band that made a few albums between 2009-2012. None of this music is really anywhere on the internet. Of course there are a few live performance videos, and he's been in another slightly more popular band since and he's got a somewhat distinct voice. So there are plausible ways that people could find the source of the music, but it still might be fun. I go on a lost media website and post either a snippit or a full song. Claim it was on a friend's mixtape and he had forgotten the source of it, and sold most of his CDs a long time ago. It'd be an interesting expiriment, but I'm not sure how moral it'd be. I'd be sending people on a hunt for information that I, myself know. They'd probably find it, or at least find out who made it. I'm not sure. They'd have no way of knowing that my story is fake, and we have no way of knowing that any lost song poster doesn't actually know where it comes from. Anyways, I probably won't do this anytime soon, so don't worry.

I think that's all for now. Bye Bye.

Take me home please.