This is the story of Markus Grabber. A derranged serial killer who most refer to as the "scary grabber". His way of killing would be that he sneaks in through the bedroom window and pulles you under the bed by your feet, strangles you, and cuts off your feet for his collection. He would wear a mask that depicts a screaming man with no nose or left eye, the mask also has a unibrow. He wears this "face" on a plastic bag and a hat, shirt, and tie. His victims were: Charly North (age 17), Joel Donnelly (age 18), Huey Garret (age 17), he was shot and killed by local cop Matei Tillman as he it was trying to murder local graduate student Grace Shaw (age 18). The family of the murdered children claim that the mask is cursed and will kill again if released. Copy and paste this story on your own website to stop the curse from getting you!